Wednesday, March 10, 2010

ReBorned!! Again.

I actually figured everything out and guess what? It doesn't ruin my life. It went all too well and i learn to cherish everything i had. It was an unforgettable lesson. If things doesn't had gone that bad, i might had been facing the same problem in the future. And i guess that's not too gud=/ Anyways, the result will be released tomoro. I hear that the school is gonna post out T.T what s shame la, let the juniors laugh, straight As' still nevermind wor. Haihz.. Still, very eager to know my result. Hope i get at least a satisfactory D: 15Hours 1 min and counting...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


There was this group of guy, 2 to be precise. They're making their way up to a mountain peak to achieve their goals. They helped each other when they fall, helping another to rise again and continue their journey to the peak. But as time passes, no one fell. They were metres away from their goal when suddenly one of them loose his grip and fell. The other doesn't want to lose the chance to get to the peak. It was this close! But when he tried to climb another step, the other is holding him down, pulling the safety rope that ties them together, creating a force that was opposing his efforts. Within the blink of an eye, he took out his penknife, cut the rope and pulled out every last breath of him and finally, he reach to the top. The other been cut down, had fall all the way down down down... And he fell hard. The friend suddenly realise that, although he had reached his goal, he doesn't have anyone to celebrate and share with.

What i Need and what i Don't Need.

A friend is what i need and a GirlFriend is what i need last. An ear for an ear, Wish what i've done had been the best.I felt better anyways, but i don't feel it was gonna help me on my way out

Monday, March 8, 2010

I HATE!!! HATE so much!!!

I mean what i said and i do really MEANT what i've SPOKEN. The thing is, i hate LIERS more than MILFS, MoFos, Fucking BACKSTABBERS, SEX SLAVE and CHINESE PEOPLE. I dun care who you are or where you're from... As long as you LIED to me, i dun give a damn on ever talking to you again. It's the rule. It's MY RULE.

Getting Started

This was my second time blogging beacause i lost my 1st one: Hmm.. anyways, i kinda need a place to shoutout loud so that i won't go crazy. And furthermore, I shout wad i like, and i don't give a damn if you like it or not, just leave this blog or you can just press the "x " and Alt+F4. Hope everything goes nice and well here .__.